
“Paradigm Shift”: My Journey with ‘Domain Modeling Made Functional’ and the Shift to Functional Programming

Navigating the dynamic landscape of programming paradigms can be a challenging journey. Late in 2021, I stumbled upon a guidebook of sorts, the Domain Modeling Made Functional: Tackle Software Complexity with Domain-Driven Design and F#.

Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge

Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge

Once again Microsoft announced its challenge for which, after completion, you might be eligible for a free Microsoft certification exam voucher! What is the Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge? Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge is a… challenge based on learning. After signing into one of eight different challenges you will have to go through a specific collection…
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F# and linear regression

Linear regression using stochastic and batch gradient descent.
Simple implementation example using F#.

F# and Gradient Descent: How to find the minimum of a function in a few minutes?

Gradient descent algorithm is one of the most important optimization methods in the field of machine learning.
Learn how F# language and its tools can help you implement this algorithm.